Posts with category 'tech'

The Digital Analog 2

In April 2024 I attended the Everything Open conference in Gladstone QLD. There were many interesting sessions on open source, open data, and open technologies, but ironically for a tech...

The Digital Analog

In Silver and Cellulose I talked about photography using film rather than using a digital camera, and the way that doing so encourages the photographer to slow down and be...

Authenticated Answers

I was approaced by Valimail to be a subject for their Authenticated Answers series of blog posts, this is a light-hearted questions and answers with selected experts in the email,...

File names

A (not so recent) twitter discussion with @larsyencken got me thinking. We were discussing, somewhat frivolously, a file system which in addition to being case insensitive, ignores common misspellings, international...

The connected future

In my job, as well as my tech life, I am often asked asked about how things could be in the future, the term “The Cloud, it is a phrase...

The problem with reader...

…and why the new Google+ based commenting for +Blogger is a great move.

ChromeOS adventures, part 2

Following on from ChromeOS adventures, here are more observations.

ChromeOS adventures

In my day job, we are testing ChromeOS devices to see if they are relevant to our business. Early in January we received 6 Samsung Chromebooks 550 models and 4...

Change of plan

I have decided to change things around a bit, the overhead of maintaining my website, blogs, and other profiles was making updates a chore rather than fun, so I have...

Beyond accessibility in Google+ hangouts

A recent post on Google+ got me thinking about how to improve the accessibility of Google+

New tech, shiny tech.

A number of things which have caught my eye recently…

Integrating Google+

I am currently investigating how Google+ can be integrated with my photography site. Seemed like a good opportunity to revive this long dormant blog of mine.

Exciting technology

A couple of pieces of technology that are currently being developed, which you may not have heard about, and why I think they are exciting.